I'm excited to announce the launch of my Basketry Kit, which is now available to buy in my online shop as well as from my studio.

The Basketry Kit is designed to support people to make their own willow baskets at home. It contains high quality artisan basketry tools, along with an illustrated booklet with step-by-step instructions on how to make a simple basket.
The idea behind the Basketry Kit has been developing in my mind for some time. After every workshop I run, I like to ask the participants whether any of them would like to carry on basketmaking at home as a hobby. Many admit they've caught the basketmaker's bug, but struggle to know how to continue doing it at home without the support of the tutor, and the specialist tools and materials. The same questions come up time and time again. What type of willow do I need? How can I soak it at home without a tank? Where should I get my tools from? How will I remember all the techniques?
I certainly had these questions when I first got started, and it was only through trial and error, and the generous support and advice of some local basketmakers that I managed to figure out how to go about setting myself up as a hobbyist basketmaker. I wanted to save my willow workshop alumni and other aspiring basketmakers the annoyance and confusion that I suffered by making a Basketry Kit with everything they needed, all in one neatly packaged box.
The Toolkit contains:
SECATEURS - specialist curved blade secateursÂ
RAPPING IRON - handmade by an artisan blacksmith
BODKIN - handmade by an artisan blacksmith and woodturner
SOAKING TUBE & REUSABLE CABLE TIES - for preparing your willow before weaving
FLEXI-TIE - stretchy non-slip stringÂ
BOOKLET - provides key information for the beginner basketmaker
I wrote and illustrated the booklet, which is also available to buy separately. The booklet has sections on the following:
WONDERFUL WILLOW - the different types of willow and their uses
GETTING WILLOW WEAVE READY - guidance on soaking and mellowing willow
TOOLS OF THE TRADE - a description of some of the tools used in basketmaking
MAKE A BASKET - a step-by-step guide on how to make a small basket
The booklet features handprinted linocut illustrations and diagrams. Before I entered the world of basketry, printmaking was my craft of choice, so it was lovely to be able to combine my two loves in this project.
I hope my Basketry Kit enables more people to enjoy the wonderful world of willow. If you have any questions about the kits, please get in touch with me at daisy@vinewillowwood.co.uk